Alternative Historical Linguistics
Scanty written sources and analysis of the epigraphy of North Pontic region left from After-Scythian period say that the ethnic brindle was here very great at that time. Many particular peoples were hidden under the common name of Sarmats. Nevertheless the carried out analysis showed that many supposed Sarmatian names as the Scythian ones can be explained by means of Old English. The example of such names follows below:
Sarmatian (Alanian) leaders:
Αμαγη (amage:), Sarmatian queen – OE hām "house, home" and āga "an owner, proprietor", āge “ownership, possession”;
Αρδαβουριοσ (ardabourios), the name of the three Byzantine generals of Alanian origin –. OE byre "a son, heir” or bora "a son" are well-suited for the second part of the name. For the first part can take OE ared, arod "quick, brave."
Αριαπειθεσ (ariapeithes), the name of a Scythian king – OE ār „honor, dignity, glory” (ārian "to honor"), fǽtan „to decorate” (“adorned with glory”).
Beorgus, the Alanian king who invaded Italy in V century AD – OE beorg 1. "a mountain, hill", 2. "protection".
Γωαρ (go:ar), Alanian leader in Gaul at the beginning of the 5th century. – OE gear "protection, weapon".
Dula, Alanian Prince – OE dwola "a heretic".
Eochar, Alanian king in Armorica (north-west France) – OE eoh "a horse" and ār "a messenger, herald, apostle".
Ιδανθιρσοσ (idantirsos), Scythian king – OE eadan "performed, satisfied” and đyrs "a giant, demon, wizard".
Λικοσ (likos), the son of Spargapeithes – by OE līc "body" could be called a man of large stature.
Λογχατησ (longchate:s), Lucian – (OE long "long", hæd “hair”).
Respondial, the Alanian king in Gaul, 406 – OE refsan, pespan "to blame" and deall "proud, famous".
Sangibanus, Alanian king in Gallia in the 5th c. – OE sengen "to burn" and bān "a foot, bone" are better.
Τασιοσ (tasios), the Roxolanian leader at the end of the 2nd cen. BC – OE tæsan "to wound"
Obviously, the Sarmates cannot be connected with some certain ethnos and the considerable ethnic unit among the Sarmates was represented by the Anglo-Saxons or they made the ruling apex of the Sarmates as more than 20% names could be interpreted by means of the Old English language. If we assume the presence of Anglo-Saxons on the territory of the Ukraine at the After-Scythian time, they have to be identified with some of tribes known to us from historical sources. One of such tribe could be the tribe of Alans. The reasons for such conjecture are the evidences of historians about the amities between the Alans and the Germanic tribes of Goths and Vandals. One can even meet sometimes the assertion that the Alanian language is the spoiled Gothic one. The Alans with allied Vandals and Suevi moved in the long march through Europe and swept into the Iberian peninsula where they founded their kingdom at the beginning of V cen. AD. Later Vandals and Alans were crushed by Visigoths and forced by them into North Africa. If Alans were Iranian-speaking people, as it is accepted to consider, why did they so freeze on the German tribes with which they shared their difficult fate?
C. Scott Littleton and Linda A. Malcor argue in favour that the core of the Arthurian and Holy Grail legends derives originally from Scythia but the earliest allusion "that the stories of the Round Table came from the East" is known from the 12th century (Littleton C. Scott & Malcor Linda A.: From Scythia to Camelot).
External links

From Scythia to Camelot. The Book by C. Scott Littleton and Linda F. Malcor
From Scythia to Camelot: Lecture Notes for a Slide Show by
Linda F. Malcor

Left: The one of the Slide Show: Morte D'Arthur by Daniel Maclise

Below: Uffington White Horse created by Alans
The question about the origin and the ethnical belonging of famous Trypilla (Tripolje) culture is debatable up to this time. This Chalcolithic (Eneolithic) culture existed on the area of Right-bank Ukraine and Moldova during III-II mill. B.C. just then as Turkic tribes settled the steppes to east of the Dnepr. Studying the contacts between Indo-European and Turkic languages we supposed that occasionelly the mediator of these contacts could be the language of the population of Trypilla culture which was of the much higher level.
© Valentyn Stetsyuk
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