ALINDIN Alternative Historical Linguistics
Etymological Table Database
61.000  words of 56 languages
The etymological tables were compiled only for statistical calculations and were used  by means of the graphic-analitical method for constructing graphic models of language relationships. They show only presence or absence of the match to a word root in certain language but don't demonstrate quantity of such matches.
Map of the setllements of Indoeuropean, Finno-Ugric and Turkic tribes (click)
The Indo-European languages
Com - common words.
Black - Pokorny's data in the main.
Blue - Data out of other sources.
Main used sources
(MS)Pok - Pokorny J. (1949-1959) Indogermanisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Bern.
Ab - Abayev V.I. (1958 - 1989) Istoriko-etimologicheskiy slovar' osetinskogo yazyka. Moskva.
Ach - Acharjan Hr. (1971)  Hajeren arnatakan barraran. Erevan.
Frn - Fraenkel E. (1955-1965) Litauisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg.
Frs - Frisk H. (1970) Griechisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg.
Hol - Holthausen F. (1974) Altenglisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg.
Holthausen F. (1934).  Gotisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg
Hub - Huebschman Heinrich (1972) Armenische Grammatik. Erster Teil. Armenische Etymologie. Hildesheim - New York.
Kap - Kapantsyan Gr. (1956) Istoriko-lingvisticheskiye raboty. K nachalnoy istorii armyan. Erevan.
Kl - Kluge Friedrich (1989) Etymologisches Woerterbuch der deutschen Sprachen. 22 Auflage. Berlin - New York.
M - Melnychuk O. , editor (1982-  ) Etymologichnyj slovnyk ukrajinskoyi movy. Kyiv.
Top - Toporov V.N. (1975) Prusskiy yazik. Moskva.
Vas - Vasmer Max (1964 - 1974) Etimologicheskiy slovar' russkogo yazika.
W - Walde A. (1965) Lateinisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg.
     A      B - Bh       D - Dh      E       G Gh - I      K     L - M      N - O     P      R - Sk       Sl - Su        T - U   
The Turkic languages
Main used sourses:
Sevortyan E.V. Etimologicheskiy slovar' turkskikh yazykov. T.1. Moskva 1974. (The Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages/ V.!)
Sevortyan E.V. Etimologicheskiy slovar' turkskikh yazykov. T. 2. Moskva 1978. (The Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages. V.2)
Sevortyan E.V. Etimologicheskiy slovar' turkskikh yazykov. T. 3. Moskva 1980. (The Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages. V.3)
Sevortyan E.V., Levitskaya L.S. Etimologicheskiy slovar' turkskikh yazykov. T. 4-7. Moskva 1989-2003. (The Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages. V.4-7)
- Yegorov V.G.  Etimologicheskiy slovar' chuvashskogo yazyka. Cheboksary 1964.  (The Etymological Dictionary of Chuvash Language)
- Sir Gerard Clauson. An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford. 1972.
Green - Data of Yegorov V.G.
Blue - Data of  Sir Gerard Clauson.
        A     B        C      D       E,  G,  I        J              M,  N,  O,  P              S      Š,  T      U, Y
The Finno-Ugric languages
While creating the etymological tables of Finno-Ugric languages Short Etymological Dictionary of the Komi Language has been used:
LYTKIN V.I., GULIAYEV E.S. 1970. Kratkiy etimologicheskiy slovar’ komi yazyka. M. (In Russian) – Short Etymological Dictionary of the Komi Language. M.
        A,   Č ,   Č '   E,   I,   J,   K                  L,   M,  N,   N',   O,   P,   R        S,  S',   Š,   T,   U,  W   
The Iranian languages
While creating the etymological tables of Iranian languages such sources have been used^ - ABAYEV V.I. 1958-1989. Istoriko-etimologicheskiy slovar’ osetinskogo yazyka. M. – (In Russian) – Historian-Etymological Dictionary of Ossetic. M.
- RASTORGUYEVA V.S., EDELMAN D.I. 2000-2004. Etimologicheskiy slovar' iranskikh yazykov. Tom 1,2,3. Moskva. Izdatelskaya firma "Vostochnaya literatura" RAN. – (In Russian) – Etymological Dictionary of Iranian Languages. Vol. 1,2,3. Moscow. Publishing firm "Eastern literature". RAS.
- EDELMAN A.I. 2001. Etimologicheskiy slovar' iranskikh yazykov. Tom 4. Moskva. Izdatelskaya firma "Vostochnaya literatura" RAN. – (In Russian) – Etymological Dictionary of Iranian Languages. Vol. 4. Moscow. Publishing firm "Eastern literature". RAS.
- TSABOLOV R.L. 2001, 2010. Etimologicheskiy slovar' kurdskogo yazyka – (In Russian) – Etymological Dictionary of the Kurdish Language. Volumes I and II. Moscow. Publishing company "Eastern Literature" RAS.
         A, B, Č, D              F, G, I, J, K, L             M, N, O, P, R, S               Š, T, U, V, X, Z, Ž
The Germanic languages
Main suorces: 1. Kluge F. Etimologische Woerterbuch der deutschen      Sprache. Berlin -New York.1989.
2. Holthausen F. Altenglisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg. 1974.
3. Holthausen F. Gotisches etymologisches Woerterbuch. Heidelberg.   1934.
4. Veen, R.A.F. van; Sijs, Nicoline van der. Etymologisch woordenboek. Utrecht/ Antwerpen. Van Dale Lexikografie. 1989.
A, B        D, E, F        G, H       I, J, K, L        M, N, O, P, R        S       T, Þ, U         W
The question about the origin and the ethnical belonging of famous Trypilla (Tripolje) culture is debatable up to this time. This Chalcolithic (Eneolithic) culture existed on the area of Right-bank Ukraine and Moldova during III-II mill. B.C. just then as Turkic tribes settled the steppes to east of the Dnepr. Studying the contacts between Indo-European and Turkic languages we supposed that occasionelly the mediator of these contacts could be the language of the population of Trypilla culture which was of the much higher level.
© Valentyn Stetsyuk
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